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Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Travel Letter Index

Travel complimenting cabin steward

compliment to travel agency

Travel compliment to tour company

Travel complaint to travel guidebook

complaint to travel agency

complaint to tour company

Travel complimenting great filght crew

Travel compliment for good service

Travel complaint unpleasent room

Travel complaint rude flight crew

Travel complaint poor service

complaint overcharged for hotel stay

recommendation to travel guidebook

thank you to cruise line

complaint lost luggage

complaint overbooked flight

complaint overcharged for hotel stay

complaint poor service

complaint rude flight crew

complaint can’t reach customer service

Travel complimenting cabin steward

This letter praises the work of the cabin steward
on a recent cruise you took, usually the person most responsible for
the comfort of the individual guests.

1234, Main Street
Boston, MA 02123

01 April, 2005


thought it was completely appropriate to contact
and let you know what an incredible job
is doing. Employees like are a credit to
your company.


Jim Karter


compliment to travel agency

This letter expresses your approval of the services of a travel agency that has been particularly helpful or resourceful

1234, Main Street
Boston, MA 02123

01 April, 2005


It’s a pleasure to work with a travel agency that seems so committed to
meeting the needs of the customer. Thank you again, and I look forward
to doing business with you in the future.


Jim Karter


Travel compliment to tour company

This letter praises a tour company for a tour on which you received excellent service, saw sights you did not expect, etc.

1234, Main Street
Boston, MA 02123

01 April, 2005


Without question, feel that experience on
this tour was worth every penny of the money paid for it. Thank you for
a wonderful time.


Jim Karter


Travel complaint to travel guidebook

This letter complains to a travel book that the information about a certain city, restaurant, etc. is incorrect.

1234, Main Street
Boston, MA 02123

01 April, 2005


I understand that it’s difficult to keep your guidebooks up-to-date on
every facet of every country from year to year, but the kind of glaring
errors that found on trip to
are pretty hard to take.

use travel guides frequently on our trips around the
world. If you would like to continue using yours, I would
suggest you make an effort to keep the information current. Thank you.


Jim Karter


complaint to travel agency

This letter expresses your displeasure at the
services of a travel agency that made you pay too much for a service,
booked you on the wrong flight, etc.

1234, Main Street
Boston, MA 02123

01 April, 2005


I feel that treated very poorly by
, and I think entitled
to some sort of compensation. Please contact me as soon as possible to
discuss how we may resolve this unpleasant situation.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Jim Karter


complaint to tour company

This letter expresses your displeasure at the
services of a tour company that did not go the places you expected, had
guides that didn’t speak your language, etc.

1234, Main Street
Boston, MA 02123

01 April, 2005


I feel that the tour was badly misrepresented by ,
and I think entitled to some sort of
compensation, such as a partial refund. Please contact me as soon as
possible to discuss how we may resolve this unpleasant situation.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Jim Karter


Travel complimenting great filght crew

This letter informs an airline that the crew of a flight you were on was outstanding.

1234, Main Street
Boston, MA 02123

01 April, 2005


is to be commended for employing such outstanding
professionals. Rest assured you will be my airline of choice for the
future. Thank you.


Jim Karter


Travel compliment for good service

This letter praises a hotel for excellent service during a recent stay.

1234, Main Street
Boston, MA 02123

01 April, 2005


Thank you for providing with a wonderful experience. Rest assured, will be back again.


Jim Karter


Travel complaint unpleasent room

This letter informs a hotel that your room was unacceptable, either dirty, not restocked, or simply not the room you wanted.

1234, Main Street
Boston, MA 02123

01 April, 2005


I believe that due to the unsatisfactory nature of this experience,
entitled to some sort of compensation, be
it a refund or some complimentary nights at . Please
contact me as soon as possible at about remedying
this most unsatisfactory situation.

Thank you for your time and attention.


Jim Karter


Travel complaint poor service

This letter thanks a cruise line for the exceptional service and comfort you experienced on a recent cruise.

1234, Main Street
Boston, MA 02123

01 April, 2005


Without question, feel that experience on
this tour was one of the greatest times have ever spent on
vacation. You’ll be getting plenty of recommendations from
in the future. Thank you.


Jim Karter


complaint overcharged for hotel stay

This letter informs a hotel that you believe you were overcharged for your room during a recent stay.

1234, Main Street
Boston, MA 02123

01 April, 2005


I believe if you check your records, you will see that
stayed for in that were
listed at . That should have brought the bill to <$
correct amount>. Instead, the bill presented to was
for <$ actual bill amount>.

Please contact me as soon as possible to discuss this matter and
arrange a refund or credit if necessary. Thank you for your attention
to this matter.


Jim Karter


complaint overbooked flight

This letter informs an airline that you were
bumped from an overbooked flight, or volunteered to leave and have not
received promised compensation.

1234, Main Street
Boston, MA 02123

01 April, 2005


Please have someone from contact me as soon as possible to resolve this matter. Thank you.


Jim Karter


Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Basic Elements: Rhythm, Rhyme and Imagery


Most poetry has rhythm, and rhythm is achieved by emphasizing or deemphasizing certain syllables in the words used in the lines of the love poem.

The syllables, themselves, are then grouped into two or three syllable units called "feet".

Examples of different types of "feet": (note: all underlined syllables are emphasized)

[My love] [for you] [will al] [ways be,]

The above feet in [ ] brackets are called "iambs" because they are each composed of two syllables with the second syllable of each foot emphasized.

[Slow ly] [soft ly] [and so] [gent ly]

The above feet in brackets are called "trochees" because they are each composed of two syllables with the first syllable of each foot emphasized.

[Sweet heart] [thou art] [al ways] [at heart]

The above feet in brackets are called "spondees" because they are each composed of two syllables with both syllables of each foot emphasized.

[Self res pect] [is a-chieved] [when one leaves] [lust and greed]

The above feet in brackets are called "dactyls" because they are each composed of three syllables with the first syllable of each foot emphasized.

[Dis res pect] [can not be] [for a love] [to be free]

The above feet in brackets are called "anapests' because they are each composed of three syllables with the third syllable of each foot emphasized.

Rhythm, as you can see from the above, depends on emphasized and deemphasized syllables which make up "feet." Taking this a step further, a "line" or "verse" of a poem is made up of one or more "feet."

Examples of Lines (Verses):

Iambic Tetrameter (4-meter)

[My love] [for you] [will al] [ways be,]

This verse has four iambic feet.

Iambic Trimeter (3-meter)

[I kiss] [you in] [my dreams]

This verse has three iambic feet.

You can also have five iambic feet:

Iambic Pentameter (5-meter)

[Thus soon] [I'll need] [the warmth] [of your] [em brace]

The variations are almost endless!

Trochaic Trimeter, Trochaic Tetrameter, Anapestic Monometer, Anapestic Tetrameter, and on and on ........


Love poetry does not always have to rhyme. For example, there is a type of poetry called "Free Verse." It's almost like prose, except that the words flow with imagery and become poetic in spite of the absence of rhyme.


To me, you are a delicate Rose

Whose beauty never dies

When pressed between the pages

Of a good book;

Or caught between the pages

Of my mind.

- Unknown

Throughout the ages, however, rhymed love poetry has been the prevalent form of this type of expression. Rhyme is achieved when sounds are repeated within a verse or at the end of two different verses. For example, we present a "couplet" which is composed of two end-rhymed verses:

I have not seen you for many days,

And truly I've missed you in countless ways.

The couplet is the smallest verse grouping more commonly refered to as a "standza."

There are many different patterns of poetry which depend on the number of verses as well as the end rhyming pattern used. Here are examples which you can refer to when writing your own love poems;

Triplet (3 verses)

a) She opened her eyes, and green

b) They shone, clear, like flowers undone

a) For the first time, now for the last time seen.

- D. H. Lawrence

Quatrain (4 verses)

a) A ruddy drop of manly blood

b) The surging sea outweighs;

c) The world uncertain comes and goes,

b) The lover rooted stays.

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Quintet (5 verses)

a) Hail to thee blithe spirit,

b) Bird thou never wert

a) That from heaven, or near it,

b) Pourest thy full heart

b) In profuse strains of unpremeditated art.

- Percy Bysshe Shelly

Sestet (6 verses)

a) Good-bye, proud world! I'm going home:

b) Thou art not my friend, and I'm not thine:

a) Long through the weary crowds I roam;

b) A river-ark on the ocean brine,

a) Long I've been like the driven foam;

a) But now, proud world! I'm going home.

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Septet (7 verses)

a) The flower that smiles today

b) Tomorrow dies;

a) All that we wish to stay

b) Tempts and then flies:

c) What is this world's delight?

c) Lightening that mocks the night,

c) Brief even as bright.

- Percy Bysshe Shelly

Octave (8 verses)

a) Thou art a female, Katydid!

b) I know it by the trill

c) That quivers through thy piercing notes,

b) So petulant and shrill;

d) I think there is a knot of you

e) Beneath the hollow tree, -

f) A knot of spinster Katydids, -

e) Do Katydids drink tea?

- To an Insect Oliver Wendell Holmes

Nine-Line Standza (9 verses)

a) Fair Daffodils, we weep to see

b) You haste away so soon;

c) As yet the early rising sun

b) Has not attained his noon.

d) Stay, stay,

d) Until the hasting day

c) Has run

f) But to the even-song;

a) And having prayed together, we

f) Will go with you along.

- To Daffodils, Robert Herrick

Ballad Standza (Alternating verses of Iambic Trimeter and Iambic Tetrameter)

a) So far apart are we again (Iambic Tetrameter)

b) It is not fair I say (Iambic Trimeter)

a) For I was dealt a rotten hand, (Iambic Tetrameter)

b) And now I have to pay. (Iambic Trimeter)

- Ara John Movsesian

Limerick (5 verses with the rhyming word at the end of the first verse repeated in the last verse)

The Reverend Henry Ward Beecher

Called a hen a most elegant creature.

The hen pleased with that,

Laid an egg in his hat -

And thus did the hen reward Beecher!

- Oliver Wendell Holmes

Sonnet (14 verses - rhyming patterns are varied)

(a) Shall I compare thee to a summers day?

(b) Thou art more lovely and more temperate;

(a) Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,

(b) And summer's lease hath all too short a date:

(c) Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,

(d) And often is his gold complexion dimm'd;

(c) And every fair from fair sometime declines,

(d) By chance or nature's changing course untrimm'd;

(e) But thy eternal summer shall not fade,

(f) Nor lose possession of that fair thou owest;

(e) Nor shall death brag thou wander'st in his shade,

(f) When in eternal lines to time thou grow'st:

(g) So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see,

(g) So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.

- Sonnet XVIII William Shakespeare

There are many other variations which we will not discuss at this time.

Imagery and Words

Rhythm and Rhyme are a love poem's technical ingredients. Words and Imagery are a love poem's creative ingredients.

Words are a poets paint. The sheet of paper is his/her canvass. You, as the poet, must select the words which best express your true feelings. These words if properly selected will give the love poem "taste."

When you connect the words you have selected creating verses and then standzas, you must use imagery in order to give the love poem "flavor."

Example of Imagery:

Your arms are my Eden, I cannot leave.

The words arms and Eden give this verse taste. But even more, working together, they create imagery which gives this verse flavor. So what does the verse really mean?

Your arms are my (Secure home - They are a beautiful place to be. They comfort me and give me warmth and contentment. Because of this), I cannot leave.

Well, there it is in a nutshell. We hope you learned something new. If you did, great! Why not sit down now and try your hand at it. Don't despair if it is difficult at first. Nothing in life is easy, if you want to do it right. It takes education, practice and more practice. Even the pros write and rewrite, hone and hone some more, until they are finally satisfied that every word in the poem belongs.

Happy Writing!

Love Letter No. 10 - Yearning

Dear (Name),

Greetings from (city/state/country)! I sincerely hope that all is well with you and yours. I am fine. Surprisingly, I've been keeping myself quite busy since I last saw you. Which reminds me, the last time we were together I had a (ball/blast/great time), and you were so (charming/crazy/funny/hilarious) I couldn't get over it. In fact, I still haven't.

(Name), I think of you every day - I can't help myself! Memories of pleasant times with you are hard to suppress, and my being so far away from you doesn't help matters either because it makes me wish I could be with you even more. Truthfully, knowing that you are alive and I can't be with you is an unbearable torment.

(Name), when will I see you again? I can't stand the pain and anguish of our separation much longer. I yearn to gaze into your captivating eyes. I crave your tender touch, your warm embrace and your passionate kiss. I yearn for the day when I can be with you again.

Until that (fateful/wonderful) day arrives, I wish you the best life has to offer. (Name), please take good care of yourself and write me as soon as you can.



This letter was written by Ara John Movsesian . It along with other letters of love and romance can be found in his book entitled Pearls of Love: How to Write Love Letters & Love Poems published by the Electric Press.

Love Letter No. 9 - Pleasant Memories

Dear (Name),

Greetings from (Name of City/Country)! I hope this letter finds you well. Since last I saw you, I've been very busy with (school/work/my duties). I've wanted to write you for quite sometime now, but it seems as though every time I got started something would come up, and I'd have to stop. I'm sure you can understand that.

(Name), I often think of that wonderful evening when we first met-the first time I saw you - the first time we spoke to each other - the first time we touched - the first time we kissed. It seems just like yesterday because I keep such precious memories constantly alive in the pages of my mind.

(Name), I just haven't felt the same since I met you. Knowing that you are in this world excites me and makes my body tingle all over. I get butterflies in my stomach, and my heart skips a beat.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I miss your smile, I miss your soft caress, I miss your tender kiss and most of all I miss the thrill of just being (at your side/with you).

(Name), please write me and tell me how you're doing even if it's just a small note. Until I hear from you, or better yet, until we meet again, my thoughts are with you.

Your Loving Friend,


This letter was written by Ara John Movsesian . It along with other letters of love and romance can be found in his book entitled Pearls of Love: How to Write Love Letters & Love Poems published by the Electric Press.

Love Letter No. 8 - Declarations


Your name is pure music to my ears. Truly, I could call it out loud a million times and never tire of its sound.

(Name), believe me when I say that not a minute passes without my thoughts turning to you. At this very moment, I wish you were here holding me in your arms and kissing me on my lips - I would not tire of that either.

Surely you must know how difficult it is for me to pretend as though all is well when you are so far away. In all honesty, I am very depressed these days and lack my usual sense of humor. All my friends tell me to lighten up, but then, they can't understand the torment of my loneliness. How can I lighten up when my heart is torn hopelessly between two (worlds/continents/countries/states/cities)?

Yesterday, I saw someone who reminded me of you, and I had to look twice. You know, something deep down in my heart was hoping against all hope that, by some miracle, it was really you standing on the corner and not some stranger. Truthfully, this has been happening to me a lot lately, and each time my disappointment increases. Sometimes I wonder just how I'm going to last another (No. of days/weeks/months).

(Name), the fact is, if it weren't for your letters, my loneliness would be totally devastating. They really keep me going and are a source of great comfort and joy. In truth, I crave them with a passion and whenever one arrives at my mailbox, my heart races with anticipation, for the words which lie within are my only direct bridge to you.

(Name), I pray that the Lord will keep you well, so that someday soon, you can come safely back to me. This is my greatest wish.

Until that day is a reality, I remain

Your Eternal Love,


This letter was written by Ara John Movsesian . It along with other letters of love and romance can be found in his book entitled Pearls of Love: How to Write Love Letters & Love Poems published by the Electric Press.

Love Letter No. 7 - Hugs & Kisses

Dear (Name),

How are you, Babe? I want you to know that I miss you (a lot/tremendously). Lately, I've felt an obsessive urge to send you all the hugs and kisses I've saved up all these months since our parting. So, Honey, I'm going to take this opportunity to do just that. Are you ready? Well, here they come! xoxoxoxoxo
xoxoxoxoxoxo I need to catch my breath. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
xoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxox Whew! This is hard work, but I love it! xoxoxoxoxoxoxo
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo Are you enjoying it? ox oxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxo This is Heaven! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
xoxoxoxoxoxoxo There's more! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxo I'm having a great time! xoxoxoxoxo
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo I'm running out of space!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
oxoxoxoxoxo I just realized that there is no end to this! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo Oh! well, until next time....xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxo Love You! xoxoxoxoxo

This letter was written by Ara John Movsesian . It along with other letters of love and romance can be found in his book entitled Pearls of Love: How to Write Love Letters & Love Poems published by the Electric Press.

Love Letter No. 6 - Excitement

Dear (Name),

I had to write you as soon as I could to express just how much I enjoyed being with you last (night/day of week). I really had a great time! To be honest, I have never felt as happy, as content or as excited about being with someone as I was with you. The whole (evening/night/day) was a joy to experience.

Truthfully, (Name), you are a class act. Even though I met you only recently, I feel as though I've known you for a long time. I consider myself a good judge of character, and from what I've seen, you are a one-in-a-million (guy/gal). You're so unpredictable and exciting yet so stable in that you seem to know what you want out of life. You're so strong (physically/emotionally) yet you seem to have a gentle and compassionate nature. You are so intelligent yet so humble and down to earth. Last but not least, you are so (good-looking/handsome/beautiful) yet not in the least bit conceited. All these are endearing qualities which attract me very much.

(Name), whenever I think of you, my heart skips a beat, and my senses swirl in anticipation of seeing you once again. You have become the Ambrosia of my heart, and I am drawn to you as a bee is to honey.

Your Loving Friend,


This letter was written by Ara John Movsesian . It along with other letters of love and romance can be found in his book entitled Pearls of Love: How to Write Love Letters & Love Poems published by the Electric Press.

Love Letter No. 5 - Wholeness

Dearest (Name):

I have lived for a long time (responsible for/dependent upon) no one, answering to no one and committed to no one except myself. During this period of my life, I considered the World mine for the taking and truly believed that I was living life to the fullest. Then, you came into the picture, and all of a sudden, I realized that I was deceiving myself.

(Name), I am an incomplete (man/woman) in need of wholeness. I find that my life is not all that I thought it was. In fact, it is terribly lacking in many things, the foremost being love. Now, through some great fortune, I have found that love and along with it the one person who can make my life truly complete.

(Name), you are that person, and I have somehow fallen hopelessly and undeniably in love with you. To be honest, I never thought I would ever utter those words, but now, they come forth effortlessly and with great sincerity. I'll be forever greatful to you for showing me just how shallow my life was. At last, I have a chance to give it depth and purpose.

I wanted to tell you this in person, but I knew that the proper words would escape me. I wrote you this letter instead. Please call me after you read it, and we'll talk.

Until I hear from you, I remain totally yours in thought and spirit.



This letter was written by Ara John Movsesian . It along with other letters of love and romance can be found in his book entitled Pearls of Love: How to Write Love Letters & Love Poems published by the Electric Press.